ABOVE: The Kemin local team of technical services, sales, engineering and industry consultants will be present at the show to guide you through the fit-for-purpose solutions appropriate for your business.
Kemin are proud sponsors and exhibitors at the upcoming combined Poultry Information Exchange, Australian Pork Limited and Australasian Milling Conference – Food with Purpose 2024, where the industry comes together to share knowledge, innovation and ideas for the poultry, pig and milling industries.
The Food with Purpose 2024 focus sits perfectly with our core values at Kemin, as delivered by our local Australian and New Zealand team, backed by worldwide experts within Kemin.
For over 30 years, Kemin has been the Australasian – including the Pacific and Papua New Guinea – leader in feed mill and ingredient, and salmonella and mould-control, solutions and advice across the region.
Our local team of technical services, sales, engineering and industry consultants will be present at the show to guide you through the fit-for-purpose solutions appropriate for your business.
To further underpin this position, we present Health Guard, a comprehensive offering that focuses on the multi levels of protection against diseases and stressors across the production chain – beginning with knowledge and progressing to the feed, water, biosecurity and immunity components of livestock production.
Health Guard is a pioneering program that takes a tailored approach to livestock management, acknowledging the unique challenges faced by different species.
This initiative is genuinely committed to addressing the key pain points and combines several layers of protection to avoid losses to our industry.

Kemin are proud sponsors and exhibitors at the upcoming combined Poultry Information Exchange, Australian Pork Limited and Australasian Milling Conference – Food with Purpose 2024.
Feed is one of the vital aspects to a healthy and productive protein production.
For feed quality, we offer Sal CURB targeting salmonella and Myco CURB for mould prevention.
Kemin supplies liquid application systems to safely and effectively apply these products via our locally in-house designed, built, commissioned and serviced ‘SS Plus Liquid Applicator System’ (via supply agreement).
These systems present minimal up-front cost to the client, other than local safety compliance and integration into their batching system (that is bunding and interfacing, if required).
Kemin Application Solutions also offer the individually tailored millSMART program, to improve milling efficiency, by increasing throughput and reducing energy consumption via our KemWET range.
The Australia and New Zealand-based Kemin team works with those in the industry to develop systems that safely, accurately and efficiently apply these products in your specific product system.
With our primary focus on feed safety and feed quality.

Industry comes together at Food with Purpose to share knowledge, innovation and ideas for the poultry, pig and milling sectors.
Take the opportunity to discuss your needs directly with our technical services, sales and engineering staff at our stand, or please arrange a site visit for further discussion.
We cover Australia, the Pacific, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand from our Sydney office, regional bases, and NSW, Queensland, Western Australian, Auckland and Christchurch warehousing locations.
Our Sal CURB and Myco CURB variants are available in both dry powder and liquid, in varying pack sizes, for direct addition in the mixer at the feed mill or processor.
For larger operations, liquid addition systems offer application consistency, efficiency, accuracy and safety by removing the need for staff to handle product directly.
Smaller operations often use our dry solutions, hand-tipping inclusion in premix or via micro bin dosing.
Protein meals – meat, fish, vegetable – are also recognised risk-areas for salmonella entry into the feed channel.
Kemin works closely with all sectors to supply fit-for-purpose solutions to ensure ingredient quality, safety and value.
Depending on storage conditions, mould risk can be a consideration.
Kemin country president ANZ Trina Parker said, “Quality outcomes for feed, the animal and the operations budget considerations are bundled with our targeted solutions.”