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Outgrower project team (R-L): Dana Asia Cambodia projects lead Ms Sreykhuoch, technical Outgrower farmers receiving certificates upon completion of training. consultant Mr Jhun, KJC Farm supervisor Mr Nak, Outgrower trainers Ms Salat and Ms Mom.
Outgrower farming in Cambodia: the expanding network of poultry microenterprises
THE devastating eco- nomic impact of COV- ID-19 has left many peo- ple in Cambodia without work.
and without income.
In many cases, these peo-
addition to other work to reduce a family’s reliance on one income stream.
age 96.7 percent survival rate.
program developed to be ready for growth when the time comes.
to keep their chickens alive to the point of sale.
farmers and help them be- come successful entrepre- neurs.
The normally bustling tourist town of Siem Reap has seen an estimated 85 percent reduction in tour- ism compared to previous years, according to the Cambodian Government.
ple have families living in rural villages who rely on their income to support the family.
After a period of inten- sive training by the experi- enced team on Dana Asia’s social business farm KJC Farm, a chicken shed is constructed and Outgrow- er farmers are given up to 500 chicks to raise.
When the chickens reach maturity, the KJC sales team facilitates the sale of the chickens to generate an income for the farmer.
Since the first pilot commenced in Novem- ber 2018, the Outgrower project team has learnt a considerable amount about smallholder farming with- in the unique Cambodian context.
The Outgrower training therefore gives particular focus to the importance of biosecurity and includes a period of applied practice on KJC Farm, under the strict supervision of the farm manager.
Donations can be made online at become-an-investor
Here, the local economy relies almost entirely on income from tourists vis- iting the famous Angkor Wat site.
When mature, the chick- ens are sold into the res- taurant market and profit generated goes to the farmer.
Local ceremonies offer such a market, with chick- en being widely consumed at weddings and other lo- cal festivals.
The project has not been without its challenges.
Only once trainees have completed the training ses- sions and the period of hands-on work experience will they qualify as Out- grower farmers.
Anyone interested in learning more about Dana Asia’s work in Cambodia is welcome to contact Da- na Asia’s chief executive officer Duncan Power at or on 0419 472 802.
Now, all those who once worked in the tourist in- dustry as drivers or guides and those in the hospital- ity and hotel industry find themselves without work
Smallholder poultry farming can be done in
These farmers are cur- rently achieving an aver-
In the meantime, the business model is being refined and the training
The concept of biosecu- rity was almost unheard of in the local style of chicken growing, which accounts for why many lo- cal smallholders struggled
As little as $10 a month can make a significant contribution to supporting the training of Outgrower
As an organisation work- ing to find ways of tack- ling the root causes of pov- erty in Cambodia, Dana Asia is developing social business and training to bring new opportunities to the most marginalised communities.
With restaurants and hotels so quiet, alternative markets are being sought.
All donations are tax- deductible.
Dana Asia’s Outgrower project aims to address the issues of poverty by giving families an alternative op- tion for income generation – poultry farming.
As of January 6, 2021 a total of six farms are in operation across two communities in Siem Reap province.
Any further expansion of the Outgrower network will be slower than origi- nally planned until the market improves.
Most issues faced by Outgrower farmers have been related to inadequate biosecurity practices.
In order for the project to continue, ongoing funding is needed.
To discuss this project in more detail, we invite you to contact our Australian technical advisors Peter Van Den Akker on 0412 806 817 and Ian Curtis on 0428 523 664.
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Page 16 – National Poultry Newspaper, February 2021

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