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Efficient and cost-effective wastewater pump
 Unite and recover
CLOSE contacts no longer need to quar- antine, provided they have no COVID-19 symptoms.
changed in Queens- the requirements under
The previous process for allowing critically essential workers who were close contacts to resume work no longer applies as close con- tact rules have recently
veterinarians in the agri-food supply chain will not need to sub- mit critically essential worker roles to govern- ment.
Testing of close con- tacts is required before returning to work on the first day and every sec- ond day after — on day 2, 4 and 6.
Agribusinesses and
the new Queensland Health direction.
If workers remain symptom-free, they can leave home for any rea- son provided they meet
Information for agri- businesses is available on daf.engagementhub.
 HAZELDENE’S Chick- en Farm, located near Bendigo in Central Vic- toria, is a world-class producer of free range and RSPCA accredited poultry.
to deliver the quality of service Hazeldene’s engi- neers were looking for.
The pump
ronments, the V3B can be supplied with 316 internal components.
It has a state-of-the-art poultry production facility, with products sold through Coles, Aldi, Woolworths, Harris Farm Markets, IGA stores, butcher shops, char- coal chicken stores and smaller specialty retailers.
The pump can also be placed on a suction lift up to 7.6m, can deliver flows to 50 litres per second and can be relied on to prime and re-prime automati- cally every time it is asked to pump.
The pump was duly pur- chased and installed, and Adam has had no regrets about the recent acquisi- tion.
Hazeldene’s employs more than 750 people in the local Bendigo area. The options
Hydro Innovations rec- ommended a V3B60-B, which is part of Gorman- Rupp’s range of Ultra V Series self-priming waste- water pumps.
For more corrosive envi-
It needed a pump ca- pable of handling all the solids that form part of the wastewater stream in a chicken-process plant – such as feathers, internals, feet and such – that was an extremely reliable self- primer also.
The V3B60-B has a 100mm suction and 80mm discharge, and is capa- ble of handling a 76mm spherical solid, along with stringy materials.
And for abrasive applica- tions, hardened iron mate- rials can be fitted.
The solution
More information on Gorman-Rupp pumps can be obtained from Hydro Innovations, hydroinnova
Pump DAF plant sludge Early leak detection Easy hose changes
No corrosion issues Only one wearing part Very easy servicing
No oil filled casing
 (02) 9898 1800
                                                         In line with its focus on quality, Hazeldene’s was looking for a quality so- lution for its wastewater pumping needs.
The farm’s technical ser- vices manager Adam Ha- zeldene was well aware of Gorman-Rupp’s quality reputation and was keen to see a Gorman-Rupp pump installed in his wastewater system to solve the problems they were experiencing.
 The farm had previously tried several brands of self-priming wastewater pumps, but none were able
  The new Gorman-Rupp Chicken farm in Bendigo.
V3B60-B at Hazeldene’s
National Poultry Newspaper, June 2022 – Page 7
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