Page 12 - National Poultry News
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Support for farmers facing biosecurity trespasser threats
Poultry shed wash down machine
LARGE scale poultry production requires shed decontamination between production runs of meat birds.
cutting overall cleaning times dramatically.
through the gun,” Lor- enz said.
accommodate some im- purities in the liquid be- ing used to clean.
The ability to wash down sheds quickly ready for the next batch of birds means a reduc- tion in downtime when the shed is unproduc- tive.
The only downside to the machine’s unique performance is the need for a ready supply of water.
The Aussie Muck Off 125 comes with a heavy duty filtration system and is also available in hydrostatic test configu- ration.
Aussie Pumps has developed a high-flow, high-pressure portable engine drive machine designed for literally flushing away debris fast.
The unit is supplied with 20m of high-pres- sure hose and ‘tommy gun’ system.
Plant operators can resolve this issue by having a standby water cart during the cleaning process.
Further information on the Aussie Muck Off 125 is available from or call 02 8865 3500.
The machine comes with an integrated pres- sure relief valve and gauge that enables the operator to select the re- quired pressure for the job.
“That’s a good way to clean big sheds.”
Another advantage is its ability to self-prime from between two and three metres.
“The Muck Off 125 can accommodate two operators, with each operator getting around 70 litres per minute
The diaphragm pump – the heart of the ma- chine – has advantages over high-pressure pis- ton pumps in that it will
Called the ‘Aussie Muck Off 125’, the big machine produces a flow of 125 litres per minute and 568psi.
The machine is en- gine driven with either a Honda petrol or Kohler diesel engine.
The petrol engine powered version comes with a Honda GX390, 13hp GX series indus- trial engine.
The heart of the ma- chine is a heavy duty Udor diaphragm pump.
Aussie Pumps opera- tions manager Hamish Lorenz said, “We chose the Udor five piston dia- phragm pump because of its unique high-flow, high-pressure specifica- tion.
“That whack of com- bined high-flow and high-pressure gets the job done quickly.”
Aussie Pumps’ engi- neers chose the com- bination of flow and pressure after extensive research with both ag- ricultural, construction and mining plant.
The pressure washes mud and dust off fast,
Wash down poultry sheds with the Aussie Muck Off 125.
MINISTER for Agri- culture Jaclyn Symes tabled the Government’s response to the Inquiry into the Impact of Ani- mal Rights Activism on Victorian Agriculture in parliament on June 4, after considering the recommendations pub- lished in February.
The Inquiry’s findings identified ways to further strengthen approaches to animal welfare and bios- ecurity, to build and main- tain public confidence in agriculture.
education, and the consid- eration of implementing closed-circuit cameras in abattoirs.
“Our farmers and agri- cultural businesses should be free to do their work without fear of being tar- geted by animal activist groups, who put hard- working farming fami- lies, biosecurity and the animals they purport to protect at risk,” Minister Symes said.
The Government’s re- sponse supports 13 of the 15 recommendations in full, one in principle and did not support one rec- ommendation.
The government is al- ready acting to strengthen animal welfare in Victo- ria through several initia- tives, including the mod- ernisation of the Preven- tion of Cruelty to Animals regulations.
“These recommenda- tions are not just about deterrence, but also edu- cation – the public de- serves to know just how hard farmers and agricul- tural businesses work to keep their animals safe and well looked after.”
The Government will introduce this legislation with a view to making fines for this behaviour among the heaviest in Australia.
The government is com- mitted to maintaining Victoria’s high level of biosecurity.
MultiCube bedding cubes for broilers
Recommendations sup- ported include incorpo- rating on-the-spot fines for biosecurity breaches caused by trespassers.
The Inquiry was con- ducted by the Victorian Parliament’s Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee in 2019 following several illegal activities in the name of animal activism.
Other supported recom- mendations include work- ing with farmers in de- veloping biosecurity man- agement plans and actions on animal welfare com- plaints for better public
The 2019/20 Victorian Budget included a $142.5 million boost to the state’s biosecurity system – the largest investment of its type in the history of the state.
Extending Farm Household Allowance relief payments
THE Australian Gov- ernment is extend- ing the availability of the Farm Household Allowance relief pay- ment for three months, providing $2.1 million to eligible farmers and their families.
partners will automati- cally receive $13,000 a couple or $7500 a single person, rough- ly equivalent to six months of the standard FHA payment, if they exhaust their FHA pay- ments between July 1, 2020 and September 30, 2020,” he said.
and case management support, as well as the opportunity to earn a greater amount of off- farm income.
Agriculture Minister David Littleproud said the payments would support farmers who require more breathing space to begin to re- cover or make difficult decisions about their future.
“Our changes to the FHA over the past year are making it easier for farmers and their part- ners to access support in times of hardship.
“Australia’s farmers are among the best in the world and we are committed to backing them on their path to recovery.”
“Farmers and their
“This includes bet- ter access to financial
For more information, visit the Farm House- hold Allowance website at ag-farm-food/drought/ assistance/farm-house- hold-allowance
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ESTABLISHED in 1989 as a family owned farm, MultiCube is located along the Murray River in the fertile agricultural region of northern Vic- toria and southern NSW and produce irrigated lucerne hay crops and dry land oaten hay crops.
Australian domestic mar- ket.
After a few phone calls, they had arranged to pro- vide samples to a local broiler farm, which was a corporately run farm for one of the larger integra- tors.
of water swamped one section of the shed, the bedding cubes were ap- plied, and within a few hours the excess moisture had been absorbed.
or swim moment for Mul- tiCube bedding cubes, as this led to an opportu- nity to further develop the cubes in trial batches of broilers.
The size of each bedding cube is around 40mm.
Production of the unique bedding cubes.
MultiCube hay crop baled and on the conveyor.
Broiler shed laid with MultiCube bedding cubes.
Another very user- friendly packing is Mul- tiCube compressed and wrapped bales, which are 20kg in weight, easy to move and work well when trouble spots develop in a batch.
This has grown to a triple-head system, with MultiCube now produc- ing hay cubes, double- compressed bales of hay and straw, and the unique bedding cubes.
It was this opportunity that provided the first large-scale test for the high absorption capacity of the bedding cubes.
Through well-managed ventilation, the litter was restored to a level that the batch was then able to continue.
Over the course of mul- tiple trials and formula- tions, the current speci- fications of MultiCube bedding cubes were set- tled on.
In the early 1990s, the family installed its first hay cubing plant, produc- ing lucerne cubes for the
MultiCube bedding cubes were conceptu- alised and developed by brothers Murray and Bryce in 2015.
When a drinker line leaked and a large amount
It was this first applica- tion that – with no pun intended – was the sink
The bedding cubes are currently available in bulk, which is a premium stand-alone bedding, how- ever they also work ex- tremely well when mixed with shavings, to dry out green shavings and to in- crease the absorption ca- pacity of shavings.
The user-friendly com- pressed and wrapped bales are available Aus- tralia wide.
MultiCube supplies about 20,000 tonnes of both hay and straw prod- uct to domestic and export markets.
Page 12 – National Poultry Newspaper, July 2020
For further information on MultiCube products, contact Peter Moore on 0419 188 362 or sales@ or visit

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