Page 14 - National Poultry Newspaper
P. 14
Benefits of eating egg yolks
Avian influenza virus under control in Japan’s domestic birds.
Japan declares AI outbreak end
TWO key markets have reopened to Japanese poultry exports follow- ing an official declara- tion that highly patho- genic avian influenza virus is under control in the nation’s domestic birds.
ganisation for Animal Health.
HPAI virus was detect- ed in 17 village poultry flocks across Vietnam.
Here, the number of confirmed outbreaks has reached 84, directly impacting more than 280,000 poultry.
Following the coun- try’s recent official dec- laration of freedom from highly pathogenic avian influenza, poultry ex- ports from all parts of Japan can now resume.
Apart from one out- break at a zoo, all cases were detected on poultry farms.
Each affected flock ranged from 1400 to and 4300 birds.
Affected were poultry on 13 farms and in 20 backyard flocks – a total of 119,000 birds – in six different provinces.
This lifting of re- strictions covers trade of chicken and eggs to Hong Kong and Singa- pore.
Birds tested positive for the H5N1 virus variant at the other 23 locations.
These have involved a total of almost 43,000 poultry, of which around 13,700 birds died.
This resumption of trade is important to the nation’s poultry sector.
In flocks each com- prising between 400 and 170,000 birds, a total of 1.89 million poultry were directly impacted by these HPAI outbreaks in Japan over the 2021- 2022 winter.
In the Philippines, the H5N1 HPAI virus was first detected in January of this year, according to official notifications to WOA H.
Involving a total of slightly over 2000 poul- try, two outbreaks were on farms, and one each in a backyard and a vil- lage flock in three differ- ent provinces.
In June, Japanese vet- erinary authorities offi- cially declared the HPAI situation “resolved.”
Most recent cases were confirmed in mid-May. Widespread outbreaks reported
Reporting the most cases is the northern- most main island of Luzon.
Now comprising 20 outbreaks, this disease series on Mindanao has directly impacted around 15,100 poultry so far.
Declarations were made to the World Or-
Between February 1 and June 8, the H5N1
Since November 2021, a total of 25 HPAI out- breaks in poultry were confirmed in Japan.
According to the lat- est WOAH notification, these outbreaks oc- curred in 11 provinces in six of the country’s eight regions.
The latest 33 outbreaks reported started between March 30 and June 7.
In two of the early out- breaks, the H5N8 HPAI virus serotype was de- tected.
Since this disease se- ries began in October of last year, 26 outbreaks have been confirmed to WOA H.
Meanwhile, a further four outbreaks have been confirmed on the island of Mindanao between March 30 and May 4.
THERE’S a lot to love about incorporating egg yolks.
nearly 13 percent pro- tein, so if you’re eating one extra-large egg that consists of 7g of protein, three of those grams would belong to the egg yolk.
Bone health
Consuming eggs as part of your regular diet means you may be get- ting adequate protein, which assists in repairing and potentially develop- ing muscles.
“The egg yolk is one of the only food sources of vitamin D.”
Additionally, eggs may help with overall body health – such as weight loss and lowering in- flammation levels.
Heart health
She further suggests that it is important for both children and adults to get enough of this nu- trient to prevent the risk of bone diseases.
While eggs as a whole can be great, the egg white and egg yolk can have different effects.
Ms Amidor suggests that the yolk also pro- vides omega-3 fats, which have been shown to help promote heart health and reduce the risk of dying from heart disease.
This includes rickets in children and osteoporo- sis in adults.
Wall Street Journal best-selling author of ‘The Family Immunity Cookbook’ Toby Ami- dor looks at some of the benefits of separating the egg yolk from the egg white.
Certain omega-3 fats have also been linked to potentially killing cancer cells and may help with arthritis.
“In addition, vitamin D is one of the under-con- sumer nutrients in every population as per the 2020-2025 dietary guide- lines for Americans,” she said.
“Protein helps with a variety of functions, in- cluding building muscles, so don't toss those golden yolks,” she said.
“Vitamin D helps cal- cium get absorbed and both help keep your bones healthy,” Ms Ami- dor said.
Eye health
“Egg yolks contain the phytochemical lutein, which is also what gives the yolk that gorgeous yellow hue,” Ms Amidor said.
Lutein has been linked with eye health.
Specifically, lutein has been connected to pre- venting macular degen- eration – the cause of vision loss, which may occur with aging. Muscle-building pro- tein
“The yolk contains al- most half the protein in the entire egg,” Ms Ami- dor said.
Generally speaking, a whole egg is rich with
Egg yolks have many benefits. Photo: Oliver Zenglein
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Page 14 – National Poultry Newspaper, July 2022