Page 9 - NPN November22
P. 9

   Lenard’s new regional sales manager
STEVE Smith, formerly of Coles, Woolworths, Metcash and IGA, has been appointed the Re- gional Sales Manager for NSW, Victoria and Tas- mania at the iconic Aus- tralian poultry company Lenard’s.
“People are the building blocks of any successful business.
cellent margin, so it’s a win win,” he said.
nard’s can be found at 23 locally owned stores and hundreds of independent supermarkets around Aus- tralia.
Lenard’s chief executive officer Harry Rumpler said, “As a business, Le- nard’s is excited to wel- come Steve on board as our regional sales man- ager.”
Steve and Harry have known each other for 10 years and, with the pair re-connecting in recent months, the timing was right for Steve to join the Lenard’s team.
Mr Smith joined the Lenard’s team in August 2022.
About Lenard’s
“Steve has worked for Metcash and as a retailer, so his experience will be a huge benefit to Lenard’s,” he said.
“Being a former store owner, I know how im- portant wastage and mar- gin is.
Founded by owner Le- nard Poulter, Lenard’s Chicken’s handmade chicken products utilise premium, locally sourced and naturally delicious in- gredients.
“Steve will add to our strong base of good peo- ple.”
“It’s an awesome team up in Queensland, and Harry has everyone work- ing as one unit with one goal.”
With a recent partner- ship with Australia’s lead- ing wholesale distribution and marketing company, Metcash, their reach con- tinues to grow in order to give customers the classics they know and love.
“Lenard’s is a sensa- tional product with great packaging, well-priced, extremely tasty and the fact it’s frozen-thaw-back means it’s easy for retail- ers to manage,” Mr Smith said.
Lenard’s is a food fran- chisor started in 1987 in Sunnybank Hills, Bris- bane.
For more information about Lenard’s, visit
  “Steve’s understanding of the independent sector will ensure our continued growth as we roll out our distribution and product strategies.
“My aim is for Lenard’s to be stocked at as many stores as possible, and to help retailers sell as much stock as possible with ex-
Made with 100 percent Australian healthy barn- raised chickens, with no added hormones or ster- oids – Lenard’s is proudly Australian-owned.
“We see Steve’s relation- ships with retailers as a key to our success.
A leader in the fresh food marketplace, Le-
Lenard’s regional sales manager Steve Smith.
Dion Andary of Days Eggs, South Australia’s largest free range egg company.
2036 phase-out plan confusing
THE plan to phase out caged hens by 2036 is causing national confu- sion among egg farmers, supermarkets and gov- ernments.
Melinda Hashimoto said state and federal govern- ments needed to consider exit packages to support farmers financially.
standards, it will fall to each state to decide how they want the phase-out to look.
While animal welfare advocates have called the 15-year phase-out too slow, the industry said it is not enough time, with some warning the move will cause extreme egg shortages.
“Given that farmers bor- row millions of dollars from banks to invest in cage eggs, the guidelines fail to allow them to pay off current debts,” she said.
“Early next year, the agriculture ministers will be meeting again to final- ise those standards,” Ms Scriven said.
 Managing director of Days Eggs Dion Andary said there was no transi- tion plan or support for farmers to move to free- range farming.
MP said consumers made to feel guilty
“Farming families will have to try and find money to virtually knock down their home and build a new one at their own ex- pense, just to satisfy the trend,” Mr Andary said.
South Australian Mem- ber of Parliament Rowan Ramsey believed there were dangers to abolish- ing caged hens entirely.
With egg production in- put costs already soaring, Mr Andary said it would be very difficult for farm- ers to survive.
“But the ones in a shed, where we dip our feet and have a high degree of dis- ease control, may well be the survivors.”
“There’ll be a business that will be able to cope, and there’ll be a business that won’t,” he said.
Mr Ramsey claimed that consumers had been made to feel guilty about buying caged eggs and claimed that supermarkets were forcing expensive food on poor people.
Mr Andary said the fact that nobody had sat down yet to determine how the guidelines would be im- plemented was fraught with danger.
“There’s a lot of peo- ple that need to go down the shopping aisle and fill up their trolley with the cheapest food they can find to feed their family – and they shouldn’t feel bad about it,” he said.
“At this stage, these are aspirational targets, and we treat them still as aspi- rational targets,” he said.
So, what’s next?
Minister for Primary In- dustries South Australia Clare Scriven said that there was an effort for a nationally consistent policy, but supermarkets insisting on transitioning before the national agree- ment were causing confu- sion.
“If a particular date is referred to, is it going to be realistic to transition to that date?
“Only when that date comes will it be known whether the reality means the aspiration,” Mr Andary said.
Call for financial pack- ages for farmers
Though the Federal Government proposed chief executive officer the new poultry welfare
Egg Farmers Australia
“Something like a bird flu infection in free range chooks could wipe the whole thing out,” he said.
ABC Rural online news
     For the prevention and treatment of Coccidiosis in chickens (broilers, broiler breeders, replacement pullets), turkeys, ducks and pigeons. Vetsense Cocciprol is administered through the drinking water as an aid in the prevention of economically important strains of coccidiosis including E.Tenella, E.Necatrix and most strains of E.Acervulina.
Easily mixed into daily drinking water
Can be used both as preventative and as treatment
Available size: 100g and 15kg
APVMA Approval Number: 88154/120433
Distributed by
Juan Diaz
National Key Account Manager – Poultry Mobile: 0419 620 310
 Conventional – battery – cages are generally about 50cm sq in size and will be phased out in Australia by 2036 under the new standards.
“It’s 10 years too early and could drive many family egg farmers to the wall.”
From this year, all new chicken cages must be installed with nest areas, and layer hens must also have access to perches or platforms and a scratch area to allow them to be- have more naturally.
With evidence of egg producers already declin- ing, there are concerns within the egg industry that the complete move to free range will not keep up with consumer demand.
Glenview Poultry Farm manager Darren Letton said there was no clarity about how the phase-out would look.
Farmers say Australian consumers may soon pay more for the common trol- ley good.
Though the reform is still over a decade away, Mr Letton said some su- permarkets were already turning away his caged eggs.
According to a recent study by Australian Eggs, 36 percent of egg sales in Australian supermarkets were caged eggs, which the industry said shows a strong demand for the more affordable product.
Woolworths and Coles have said in statements that their eggs would be 100 percent cage-free by 2025.
Ms Hashimoto said that without caged eggs, Aus- tralian families would face less choice, a short- age of eggs and higher egg prices.
Consumers to absorb the extra costs
National Poultry Newspaper, November 2022 – Page 9

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