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Celebration time for chickens despite table time
all named after tractors – free range around the homestead, occasionally wandering into the forest, where they forage and scratch around in what is the natural domain of rather prolific and ven- omous tiger snakes.
big to bother with and the chicken considered the snake too big a ‘worm’ to bother with.
To this point in time, the couple’s adventur- ous chooks and equally adventurous young Lab- rador-cross puppy have survived.
Anyway, to honour our much-loved chickens and indeed all poultry, par- ticularly as we approach the festive season – when many will suffer their in- evitable fate and sacrifice their lives for ours – I’ll devote the balance of this column to my personal pictorial tribute to our feathered friends.
Let’s hope it stays that way, albeit I did witness firsthand a too close for comfort encounter be- tween one curious chick- en and a slow scurrying two-metre tiger.
Meanwhile, warm wish- es to all for a safe, happy and healthy festive sea- son.
The inquisitive nature of friendly chooks is part of their appeal.
Here’s cheers to this rooster and all the poultry we’ll enjoy this Christmas. More on this Coodardy charac- ter in the new year. I suspect he’ll make it.
These forest-foraging hens share territory with tiger snakes. The hen in the top left-hand corner is eyeing off a two-metre scurrying specimen.
Perhaps the snake thought the chicken too
We’ll chat again on the other side.
National Poultry Newspaper, December 2020 – Page 5
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