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Vol 2. No. 3 March 2019 National Poultry Newspaper PO Box 387 Cleveland 4163 Phone (07) 3286 1833 Fax (07) 3821 2637 Email
Manisha Kolakshyapati won the award for best poster presentation.
Australian Poultry Science Symposium poster session a resounding success
Speed dating at APSS 2019
THE Poultry Hub team is busy organising its first poultry job ready training.
This training is aimed at young people aged 15-24 and seeks to engage them in all things poultry while providing them with useful skills they can actually use.
To make sure the train- ing is engaging, we have de- signed six modules that are high tech and hands on.
Some of the modules in- clude a virtual reality chick- en, chicken egg grading game, chicken clicker train- ing and Lego.
Our first training session will be held in March in Tamworth following an en- gagement day on March 14 that features a chicken bar- becue.
Last month we attended the Australian Poultry Science Symposium in Sydney.
This event has been run- ning for 30 years and pro- vides a fantastic opportunity to learn and engage with many brilliant poultry sci- entists from both Australia and abroad.
It was a great chance to catch up with colleagues and discuss cutting-edge science.
We also ran a number of extra workshops in conjunc- tion with the conference, including a science com-
munication workshop and a mentor speed dating event.
I know what you are think- ing... really, speed dating?
During APSS 2018, the need to facilitate communi- cation between scientists of all ages was raised, particu- larly aiding young scientists to find mentors within the industry.
So this year ‘The Chook Chat Shack’ (aka Poultry Hub Australia, AgriFutures Chicken Meat and Austral- ian Eggs) supported a speed dating mentor session at APSS 2019.
The aim of the session was to connect early career re- searchers (within five years of completing PhD or excep- tional circumstances) work- ing in an Australian uni- versity or research institute with active members of the
Australian poultry industry. By improving the dialogue between researchers and in- dustry, there will be a greater opportunity for industry-rel- evant research, thus increas- ing the chance of success for researchers and the impact
on industry.
Dr Natalie Morgan and Dr
Peta Taylor did a fantastic job of mediating and organ- ising the event.
They kept everyone in check and ensured they moved on every four min- utes.
They also provided Tic Tacs to ensure everyone had fresh breath, a bowl of ques- tions in case of awkward silences and a heap of good cheer and entertainment.
The event was well re- ceived by participants, with
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Some lively conversation was had at the mentor speed dating event held at APSS 2019.
THE 2019 Australian Poul- try Science Symposium cel- ebrated another successful running of the annual event’s popular poster session as stu- dents gathered in Sydney to showcase the latest in poultry research.
The poster sessions have long been a highlight of APSS, al- lowing students the opportu- nity to showcase their poultry science research.
With over 40 posters submit- ted from students around the world, the poster session high- lighted the strides students and young scientists are making within the field.
This year students submitted posters covering a variety of topics ranging from gut health and nutrition to alternative feeds and welfare.
The success of this year’s sessions comes as no surprise as industry professionals and universities continue to sup- port and encourage students to pursue careers in poultry sci- ence by acknowledging the ad-
vances they continue to make. As the symposium came to a close, Poultry Research Foundation director Dr Peter Groves announced PHD stu- dent Manisha Kolakshyapati as this year’s winner of the 2019
best poster presentation. Manisha is in her second year of PhD studies in free range poultry at the University of New England and presented her poster on ‘Egg corticosterone concentrations after acute stress exposure in free range hens with
different range usage’. Manisha’s findings indicated
the increase of corticosterone concentration of stayers may mean less resilience to stress compared to rangers and the negative control group.
Notable mentions from the poster session included Uni- versity of New England student Jennifer Power-Geary for her presentation on ‘Understanding the perceptions and knowledge of laying hen welfare: industry and community stakeholder fo- cus group’.
Jennifer’s research aimed to understand industry stakehold- er and community perceptions and knowledge on hen welfare and housing, and successfully analysed the misconceptions surrounding the issue.
PhD student Kosar Gharib Naseri stood out by presenting her poster on ‘Bacillus am- yloliquefaciens CECT 5940 improves performance and gut integrity in broilers fed low protein diets under necrotic enteritis challenge’, as well as giving a talk on ‘Transcrip- tomic modification caused by subclinical necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens’.
Kosar is in her third year of PhD studies and has continued to advance industry research and the future of improving gut health.
All in attendance agreed this year’s APSS poster ef- forts were outstanding across the board, with a broad range of topics suitably covered and dissected.
Gabi McCaig
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Think soft. Strike hard!
07 4697 3344 |
| 54 King Street, Clifton QLD 4361

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