ABOVE: RodenBox sensors commence immediate monitoring of rodent activity, transmitting data to the RodenBox hub.
In the constant battle against rodent infestations, Australian-based technology RodenBox is introducing a game-changing solution, designed to transform conventional rodent bait stations into smart proactive defence systems.
This innovative technology, now pending patent, is set to offer a major leap forward in pest control, benefitting the poultry industry.
RodenBox’s core technology combines the latest in internet-of-things and artificial intelligence, enabling real-time detection and analysis of rodent activity.
By converting standard bait stations into intelligent monitoring devices, RodenBox promises to significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of rodent control strategies on poultry farms.
The system’s adaptability allows it to integrate seamlessly with existing pest control infrastructure, eliminating the need for costly overhauls.
Once installed, the RodenBox sensors commence immediate monitoring of rodent activity, transmitting data to the RodenBox hub.

The innovative patent-pending technology of RodenBox is set to offer a major leap forward in pest control to benefit the poultry industry.
This data is then analysed to provide real-time insights and reports, accessible securely from the cloud, facilitating prompt and informed action against potential infestations.
One of the standout features of RodenBox is its AI-powered analytics, which not only track current rodent behaviour but also predict future activity.
This predictive capability is critical for pre-empting disease outbreaks and enhancing biosecurity measures, offering an additional layer of protection for poultry farms.
The benefits of adopting RodenBox technology extend beyond mere pest control.
Early detection and prevention of rodent infestations minimise potential damage and health risks, ensuring the well-being of both poultry and farm personnel.
Moreover, by maintaining a rodent-free environment, poultry farmers can safeguard their products from contamination, thus upholding food safety standards and protecting their reputation.
Compliance with regulatory standards is another significant advantage.

The system’s adaptability allows it to integrate seamlessly with existing pest control infrastructure, eliminating the need for costly overhauls.
RodenBox enables poultry farmers to meet industry and government regulations more efficiently, reducing the risks.
Additionally, the system promotes sustainable pest management practices by minimising the reliance on harmful chemicals.
Cost savings are a further benefit.
By addressing rodent issues proactively, poultry farmers can avoid expensive repairs and pest control expenses, preserving the integrity of their assets.
The ease of installation, coupled with minimal maintenance requirements, ensures that operations are not disrupted, allowing for continuous hassle-free monitoring.
RodenBox’s introduction to the poultry industry represents a significant step forward in the application of technology for pest control.
Its development and design in Australia underscore the country’s leading role in agricultural innovation.
With its pending patent, RodenBox is poised to set new standards in effective, efficient and environmentally friendly pest management, offering peace of mind to poultry farmers across the globe.
For more information, visit rodenbox.com or call 1300 004 976.