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wners, vets and staff who have facilitated this process.A special thank you to Rowan for stepping into the Liaison Livestock Industry role and to Dr Peter Scott for his support as the technical consultant %u2013 this mirrors the strong collaboration we had in 2020, when I was assisted in the LLI role by Peter. Appreciation also goes to Victoria director Meg Parkinson for her assistance and to Kelly at Australian Eggs, who has managed numerous media inquiries with professionalism.Board directors quickly completed confidentiality deeds and returned them to me the same night the news broke, ensuring a swift and coordinated response. Additionally, the new process of including our industry hatchery helped the company to plan deliveries, which proved effective.It is always heartening to see the number of members reaching out to those affected, offering support through calls and emails. This strong sense of community remains a defining strength of our industry.A key aspect of this response has been increased engagement with government officials from both sides of politics. Their willingness to understand the challenges we face is encouraging, especially as the implementation of the poultry standards and guidelines remains a critical decision for agriculture ministers in various states. Ensuring that all production systems can meet consumer demand will be vital moving forward.Through each challenge, our industry continues to learn, evolve and strengthen its resilience. Wisdom, transformation and calmness remain essential as we navigate these complexities together.Thanks everyone for your support as we work to support you. www.poultrynews.com.auVol 8. No. 3 March 2025 National Poultry Newspaper PO Box 162 Wynnum 4178 Phone (07) 3286 1833 Email ben@collins.mediaNATIONALPhone: 07 4697 3344 %u2022 Fax 07 4697 3532www.stockyardindustries.comLB WHITE HEATERSwww.stockyardindustries.com%u2022 Reliability with consistent and dependable heat%u2022 Durability %u2022 Serviceability%u2022 Used in breeding, laying and meat-bird production%u2022 Available in 250k BTU and 100K BTU%u2022 AGA StandardsStock & spare parts available in AustraliaATTENDING the Australian Poultry Science Symposium 2025 was a valuable experience, the event offering an opportunity to engage with colleagues, exchange ideas and explore the latest developments in poultry science. Held in Sydney in February, the symposium gathered industry leaders, researchers and students from around the world to discuss advancements and challenges in the field.One of the most rewarding aspects of the conference was reconnecting with familiar colleagues and making new acquaintances. The discussions throughout the event provided useful insights and a chance to reflect on the progress made in poultry science over the past 12 months. The atmosphere was collaborative, with attendees sharing perspectives on key industry issues and future directions.A notable moment was presenting the Mingan Choct Award to Francisca DiazAviles for her presentation entitled %u2018Goblet cell populations increase from proximal to distal sections of the broiler chicken small intestine%u2019. Her contributions to research and innovation in poultry science have been significant and the recognition was well deserved. It was a pleasure to acknowledge her work among peers who appreciate its impact.Beyond the formal sessions, the informal interactions during coffee breaks, networking events and between presentations were equally valuable. The poster session was particularly engaging, showcasing a wide range of research topics and encouraging detailed discussions. It was encouraging to see emerging scientists present their work and receive constructive feedback from the broader research community.The conference dinner provided a relaxed setting to connect with colleagues on a by TAMSYN CROWLEYDirectorAustralian Poultry Science Symposium 2025Reflections on avian flu responseThe current avian influenza response draws on past experiences.Eugeni Roura and the author with Francisca Diaz-Aviles, winner of the Mingan Choct Award for APSS 2025.* continued P2by MELINDA HASHIMOTOCEO
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