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Vol 5. No. 10 October 2022 National Poultry Newspaper PO Box 162 Wynnum 4178 Phone (07) 3286 1833 Email
The EFA Young Egg Industry Achiever of the Year Award finalists.
EFA award finalists announced
2022 World Poultry Congress focused on industry quality
WHAT a beautiful time of year spring is.
I must say, here in Armi- dale, I am happy to wake up to temperatures above 5C finally, particularly when returning from summer in France.
Last month, I was honoured to present at the World Poul- try Congress in Paris.
After a two-year hiatus, the World Poultry Congress did not disappoint.
current sessions.
The one welfare session
and TV booth for hosting interviews and discussions on hot topics in the poultry sector.
The conference was held from August 7-11 in Paris, France – almost 100 years to the day since the very first congress.
highlighted the challenges but also the opportunities we have in the poultry sector, not only to improve welfare but also the dialogue that goes with it.
Lastly, the conference was home to many poster pres- entations that were housed electronically on TV screens, enabling delegates to search posters and read the ones they were most interested in.
Over 2500 people were able to attend in person and many others joined in online.
Poultry Hub Australia was able to showcase its virtual chicken resource and finally launch the app.
The conference began on Sunday by exploring why water is key for sustainable nutrition – highlighting the importance of water quality in a balanced poultry diet.
Users of the Oculus VR can now purchase the PHA vir- tual reality app for enjoyment on their device.
As the conference presenta- tions were all recorded, del- egates can watch any session online through to the end of this year.
This session certainly start- ed some great discussions among delegates, as many had not previously thought of water as a key ingredient in poultry nutrition and health.
The feedback on our VR chickens was fantastic, as was the entire education session in which it was presented.
At the conclusion of the con- ference, the committee an- nounced that the next World Poultry Congress would be held in Toronto, Canada on July 12-16, 2026.
The presentations also high- lighted the importance of lit- ter quality and sustainability.
The exhibitions hall enabled colleagues to catch up, and for new meetings and discus- sions to be had.
It was a pleasure see some familiar faces from around * continued P2
The following days were a mix of plenary talks and con-
There was also a live radio
While in France, the author had the pleasure of meeting with the Grimaud Group and visiting some of their excellent duck facilities.
THE Egg Farmers of Australia industry recognition awards acclaim the contribution of people who work behind the scenes in egg production. There are two annual awards:
• The EFA Young Egg Indus- try Achiever of the Year
• The EFA Egg Industry Lead- er Excellence Award – for ser- vice to the egg industry.
This year, five young industry leaders from across three states were named as finalists in the Young Egg Industry Achiever of the Year award.
gratulate these young people on their achievements.
– who operate Smalls Trading Co at Mt Morgan, which sup- plies fresh eggs across central Queensland.
The finalists are:
Meanwhile, three long-time industry stalwarts have been named as finalists in the Egg In- dustry Leader Excellence Award – for service to the egg industry.
• Rachel Wilson from Western Australia
The winners of both awards will be announced at the Egg Farmers of Australia annual general meeting in Hobart on November 8.
• Jess Spencer from South Australia
• Rob Peffer from NSW
They are:
• Christopher Verran from Western Australia
• Dion Andary, who founded Days Eggs, now the largest egg supplier in South Australia
The awards are held each year and are open to egg farmers, egg farm staff, hatchery staff, animal nutritionists, researchers, egg transport workers and poul- try vets – who all work hard to ensure there’s a consistent supply of fresh eggs for Australians to eat every day.
• Alex-Kate Langfield from NSW.
• Nadine Goody and Gary Small – brother and sister team
Egg Farmers of Australia con-
The 2022 Egg Farmers of Australia Egg Industry Leader Excellence Award finalists.
About 17.9 million eggs are produced daily on Australia’s commercial cage, free range and barn laid egg farms – that’s nearly 6.3 billion eggs a year!
The judges for this year’s awards are industry stalwart Franko Pirovic, egg researcher Dr Jodi Courtice and Eugene Viljoen from Specialised Breed- ers Australia – the major sponsor of the 2022 awards
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