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                                    Page 8 %u2013 National Poultry Newspaper, December 2024 Feed Solutions offers an unparalleled range of animal nutritionsolutions, designed, sourced and blended to support ourcustomers%u2019 needs.We manufacture and supply nutritional premixes, feedingredients, additives and stock feed commodities, aswell as providing our customers with technical support.Phone 1300 884 593or visitwww.becfeed.comTHE AgriFutures Chicken Meat Program invests in research, de- velopment and exten- sion that improves the sustainability, produc- tivity and viability of the Australian chicken meat industry to deliver the overarching vision to grow the long-term prosperity of the sector.Through investment in targeted and high-impact projects, the chicken meat program guides investment across the following five priority areas to deliver research, development and extension outcomes to benefit the industry:%u2022 Improving environmental sustainability outcomes%u2022 Enhancing chicken biosecurity, health and welfare%u2022 Contributing to efficient and secure chicken production systems%u2022 Ensuring the food safety of Australian chicken meat%u2022 Building people capability and a diverse and sustainable workforce.In 2023, the program sought research proposals that were innovative and had the potential to bring transformative change in some of the above priority areas. The program called for proposals that addressed the current needs and challenges of the chicken meat industry, including an unprecedented period of biosecurity threats and a sector that is continuously striving to strengthen its sustainability credentials.As a result, the chicken meat program has contracted eight new research projects, adding to the 13 projects already underway, plus its extension activities. This new suite of projects span four of the five priority areas and are outlined below.Improving sustainability outcomesTechno-economic emission reduction pathways for the Australian chicken meat industry %u2013 Integrity AgThe project will develop the emission reduction pathways for the chicken meat industry, outlining the technologies and strategies, adoption rates and investment required to meet federal and customer emission reduction targets. The pathways will be developed in consultation with industry and will be a valuable reference point for the vertically integrated processing companies as they develop their own company-specific emission reduction pathways.Ultimately, the project aims to achieve a consistent approach and methodology across the industry.Enhancing biosecurity, health and welfareUsing behavioural science to enhance extension and adoption outcomes for the Australian chicken meat industry %u2013 EvidnThe project is employing a behavioural science approach to support the chicken meat industry and its members adopt better practices for animal health, welfare and biosecurity. The project aims to enhance biosecurity and animal welfare practices within the chicken meat industry by understanding the factors that influence the workforce%u2019s adoption of these practices. It will involve creating a behavioural sciencebased training program to upskill the workforce, developing a monitoring and evaluation framework to track progress and identify areas for improvement, and creating a toolkit with evidence-based strategies to support engagement and adoption of industry programs across AgriFutures levied industries.Understanding the biosecurity risk posed by Australian-lineage H5 low pathogenic avian influenza virus and the potential genesis to highly pathogenic forms %u2013 CSIROLow pathogenicity H5 and H7 avian viruses are frequently detected in Australian wild birds. To date, Australia has had numerous H7 HPAIV outbreaks, yet no H5 HPAIV outbreaks %u2013 the reason for this is unknown.The project aims to assess the biosecurity risk posed by Australian-lineage H5N2 viruses by examining their ability to infect and replicate in chickens, performing deep sequencing of infected tissues to identify changes associated with virulence, and using molecular virology techniques to insert key markers of virulence into the genome to determine if these viruses can convert to highly pathogenic forms. Collectively, this information will provide an in-depth biosecurity risk profile of Australian-lineage H5/N2 low pathogenic AIs.Integrated investigation of enterococcus cecorum prevalence, transmission routes, predisposition factors, pathogenic mechanisms and mitigation strategies in broilers %u2013 Central Queensland UniversityEnterococcus cecorum disease outbreaks are a major issue for the broiler industry and animal welfare. Preliminary data shows that these outbreaks are much more complex than a single pathogen outbreak and that EC is operating in a co-infection mode. Classic ampliconbased microbiota analysis methodology is inadequate as it cannot identify taxonomy at species or strain levels.The project will use state-of-the-art microbial genomics methodology with artificial intelligence-assisted prediction and analysis models to thoroughly interpret every aspect of EC outbreaks.The research will undertake a deep epidemiological study with the support of significant broiler industry stakeholders, gathering data from several commercial EC outbreaks, identifying and confirming coinfection patterns and mechanisms, mapping virulence factors, achieving a deep understanding of disease pathogenesis, identifying primary spreading sources and triggers, and discovering the ways to minimise damage to the host. This will enable the development of effective mitigation strategies, ultimately improving animal welfare and reducing the economic burden on the industry.Ensuring food safety of our chicken meatPoultry spoilage and interventions for shelf life and safety improvements %u2013 CSIROThe spoilage of chicken meat is a natural process that can be slowed if product is stored under Eight new research projects to boost chicken meat industryThe AgriFutures Chicken Meat Program has contracted eight new research projects.The Integrity Ag project will develop the emission reduction pathways for the chicken meat industry.Poultry spoilage and interventions for shelf life and safety improvements are the focus for one of two CSIRO projects. * continued P9
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