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P. 7 National Poultry Newspaper, February 2025 %u2013 Page RELIABLE & SIMPLE WATER AERATIONBefore AfterMuch safer and much easier to maintain.THE JBS Australian Dinmore operation is the largest beef processing plant in the southern hemisphere, and the plant is the largest employer in Ipswich. The plant naturally uses a large number of varied pumps.Some time ago it was having reliability problems with an end-suction centrifugal pump on a cattle yard run-off application. Because of large suspended solids in the fluid, the centrifugal pump struggled with choking and also, because it relied on a foot valve to keep the suction line primed, was prone to losing prime if a solid caught in that foot valve. It wasn%u2019t an easy application %u2013 the wastewater pump was delivering 20l/s at a pressure of 800kPa because of the long discharge line it was pumping through.Not only that, it was also on a suction lift in excess of 5m.The optionsAfter a site inspection and hydraulic analysis of the system, Hydro Innovations suggested the plant look at a GormanRupp VS3A60-B, which is the only two stage selfpriming solids-handling centrifugal pump on the market. The self-priming pump is of cast-iron construction, with a large inspection cover to allow access to pump internals for inspection and service. It is capable of handling spherical solids up to 63mm in diameter and internal clearance adjustments can be done in minutes, allowing operators to keep the pump at peak operating efficiency for the life of the asset. This self-priming pump is also an excellent primer and re-primer, which means it cannot lose its prime, even if solids get caught in the system.The VS360-B is part of a %u2018family%u2019 of GormanRupp high-performance high-head self-priming wastewater pumps that can deliver flows from 10l/s through to 120l/s, and heads to 95m. These Gorman Rupp pumps all have replaceable self-cleaning wear plates to assist in handling stringy materials such as rags and gloves and can operate on suction lifts up to 7.6m. Being self-priming pumps, they are much safer to maintain than submersible sludge pumps because operators do not have to work over water or with cranes and heavy swinging weights.The solutionThe self-priming pump was duly installed and has operated with minimal operator intervention for the past six years. The large solids handling capacity solved the choking issues and, because the pump does not need a foot valve or any other %u2018add-on%u2019 priming device, it is an extremely reliable self-primer.To find out more call Hydro Innovations on 02 9898 1800 or email us at Gorman-Rupp pump solves choking issues at meat processing plantThe Gorman-Rupp VS3A60-B pump.EACH state has its own legislation and regulation.When we receive enquiries from people wishing to set up an egg farm, the initial advice given is to write a business plan first, long before thinking about getting chickens or experiencing the excitement of eggs. We hear the saying %u2018what comes first, the chicken or the egg%u2019 %u2013 well, it%u2019s actually a business plan.There are several land use and water acts that must be consulted in the early stages of setting up a farm or expanding one through the Western Australian Planning Commission, the Queensland Department of Planning and the Queensland Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water. The following example gives some insight into some of the requirements in WA pertaining to the requirements for an egg farm to function and the awareness that egg farmers need. When focused on the pasture for birds, if housed outside, this would fall under the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, known as DPIRD, through the Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945. With farmers having ever present diligence in relation to biosecurity, DPRID is also responsible for acts such as the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007, the Exotic Diseases of Animal Act 1983, the Veterinary Chemical Control and Animal Feeding Stuffs Act 1976 and the Animal Welfare Act of 2002. The use of pesticides falls under the WA Department of Health through the Health (Pesticides) Regulations 2011. In addition, the Food Act 2008 is the act pertaining to food hygiene and safety, administered by the WA Department of Health also. The handling of poultry manure also comes under WA Department of Health regulations through the Health (Poultry Manure) Regulations 2001. In relation to the environment, there are four main acts of interest, in addition to the odour and noise emission regulations and regulations pertaining to ammonia through the Environmental Protection Authority WA and WA Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. These are included in the Environmental Code of Practice for Poultry Farms in Western Australia 2004, administered by the Department of Water and Environment Protection Act 1986, with the responsibility being the Department of Water and Environment Regulation.The %u2018Environmental Management and Cleaner Production Directory for Small and Medium Businesses: a guide to pollution prevention 2005%u2019 by the Swan River Trust and, finally, the Federal Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.In relation to staff safety in the workplace, this falls under the WA Department of Commerce and Trade through the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1984.Pertaining to the movement of poultry, this falls under the Road Traffic Act 1994 overseen by the Western Australia Police Force. Other agencies of interest to farmers are: %u2022 Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority under the Federal Government department that regulates agricultural and veterinary chemical products%u2022 Food Standards Australia New Zealand which works with industry to see food standards pertaining to eggs%u2022 Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, which stipulates labelling laws for the egg industry and through the Australian Competition and Consumer Act 2010, requires egg farmers to adhere to no discussions regarding commercially sensitive information regarding pricing, dealings with customers, suppliers and stakeholders, cost sharing or the restricting and/or limiting supply.So, for an egg farmer to be fully informed to produce the humble egg, they would be required to understand the acts and regulations that fall under the departments, trusts and government agencies, often having name changes after each election. EFAGovernment can be confusing